Tuesday, August 6, 2013

lawak apakah ini.

hadoi, selalu je dia tu buat aku rase nak gelak terguling-guling. hari nii 6 ogos. dan hari nii bukan birthday aku lagi. tetiba sampai mesej en.chef wish my birthday. tengok ayat dah macam terharu tapi still takleh nak tahan gelak sebab belum tiba masa lagi.

tapi rasa macam grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. geram jugak at the same time tu. sebab dia boleh lupa tarikh birthday, memang laa laki susah nak ingat date, i understand that, but atleast u remember date of birth ur girlfriend. its totally frustrated when the one u love doesnt remember anything bout u. sucks jugak laa kan. haih.

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